Friday, October 12, 2007

Addendum to Mark 9:1 exegesis

About tis, tines... tis is not an adverb, it is a pronoun whose genitive case is followed by repeated genitive cases of noun phrases (including a verb or two fronted by genitive noun determiners) in the Mark 9:1 and similar Matthew 16:28 and Luke 9:27 passages discussed. I don't know what possessed me -- :) -- to say it functions like an adverb; in those verses it functions like a genitive preposition when it's in the genitive case. Also, the German word während -- "during" -- is a genitive preposition: the nouns it applies to are put in genitive case. Wanted to clear that up because this passage's grammar is strange enough as it is without me inadvertently making it weirder.

Also, a friend of mine commented to me privately about the use of genitive case stating flatly that the genitive is only the possessive case. No, it is not. Go to this webpage -- -- and take a moment and read the headings (i.e., Genitive after certain prepositions, Genitive of Direct Object, Possessive Genitive, Genitive of Relationship, Partative Genitive, Attributive Genitive, and ad nauseum, there are 15 different usages including Genitive of Time.) If you read this page, you might not understand the Greek too much better, but you'll get an idea just how many different legitimate uses there are for the genitive case, and that it is NOT simply the "possessive case" of the Greek language.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi, good site very much appreciatted