Friday, March 19, 2010

Health Care Reform Bill is Chasing Strange Gods

This letter was sent to Congressman Bill Young, Senators Lemieux and Bill Nelson, and President Barack Obama:

This letter is intended to be read to all members of Congress and the Senate; please feel free to distribute it to all of your colleagues as you see fit.

You know, Washington, DC is an insane town. It is probably the only place on earth, at the only time in history, where enough power to heal the whole world or destroy it has been wielded by human beings. Imperfect, greedy, conniving, power-hungry, ambitious, talented, rich, spiritually all over the spectrum from depraved to decent, God-made, Satan-seduced political creatures who represent both the best and the worst of the very nation that represents, in turn, the best and the worst of mankind.

It is not without good, good reason that God saw to it there be a Constitution instituted to govern this people... this cantankerous, beautiful, powerful, morally decayed but still sometimes faithful tribe of Forgetters that first came to the fore after the twin sons of Joseph sired the most numerous, the most powerful, and the most troublesome parts of the great nation once governed by the wisdom of the two best kings that ever ruled, and fallen into disgrace because the second of those two kings lost his way at the end.

Now it has become apparent that like Solomon, ruler of a justly founded world empire ages ago, the custodians of today's even more justly founded superpower -- more justly founded because it derives its power from the consent of the governed by way of the written word of law, rather than through autocratic whim -- are about to sabotage the very contract by which this nation was founded to lose this nation's birthright for pottage in the manner of Esau.

I bear witness to you who read this that if this republic's leaders so derange themselves from its founding principles, embodied in its foundational written words, that states are played against one another for advantage and the legislative process is short-circuited with bills being declared passed without completed votes, then we will have destroyed the Union of these states as surely as Solomon destroyed the unity of the Kingdom of Israel and Judah at the end by his addiction to strange gods.

Be not addicted to foreign gods, God declared over 3,400 years ago. Do not be like the nations who desire a king over them and who worship idols. I tell you the truth -- if this Congress and this President chase the strange gods of socialism and populist autocracy, and abandon the Constitution that created the greatest nation on earth for the sake of health care or any other cause, you will destroy this nation and you will grieve over what you have destroyed for eternity.

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